Case Studies
Our ultrasound technologies are helping physicians world-wide more accurately diagnose women’s health concerns faster than ever before. These are their stories.
- Ultrasound Technology & Innovation Gynecology
Diagnosing Intrauterine Growth Restriction with Ultrasound
Read how ultrasound technology is making it easier to diagnose intrauterine growth restrictions.
- Reproductive Medicine & IVF Diagnostics
Answering Advanced Maternal Age Pregnancy Questions with Ultrasound
Fertility declines with age, but with ultrasound, you can find out if a woman's biological clock is the barrier, & what can be done with reproductive tech.
- Women's Health Birth Control
IUD Insertion with Ultrasound Guidance
Discover how Ultrasound can simplify the procedure and minimize misplacement when inserting an IUD.
- Ultrasound Technology & Innovation Diagnostics
The Role of Ultrasound in Screening for Preeclampsia
Preeclampsia can go unnoticed or is diagnosed after the fact. But now there’s hope for early prediction & more timely treatment with ultrasound technology.
- Ultrasound Technology & Innovation Adenomyosis
Diagnosing Adenomyosis with Ultrasound
Why make her wait for a diagnosis? Use ultrasound to detect adenomyosis.
- Ultrasound Technology & Innovation Success Stories
A Mother & Daughter Discuss Being Diagnosed with Endometriosis
Women with endometriosis wait an average of 7.5 years before they receive a proper diagnosis. Follow a mother & daughter’s search for answers about pelvic pain.
- Reproductive Medicine & IVF HyCoSy
A Simpler, Safer Way to Evaluate Tubal Patency
Discover how ultrasound can provide critical information for women struggling to get pregnant—and why it’s easier on patients.
- Reproductive Medicine & IVF 3D Ultrasound
How Ultrasound Improves Accuracy and Efficiency when Measuring Follicles for IVF
See how automating follicular assessment using 3D ultrasound is helping IVF patients dictate timing for fewer missed opportunities.
- Reproductive Medicine & IVF Patient Relationships
Ultrasound's Role in Infertility & Reproductive Technology
GE Healthcare's Clinical Lead, Reproductive Medicine, talks about innovative tools that could turn your patient’s dream of a successful pregnancy into reality.
- Ultrasound Technology & Innovation Pregnancy
Diagnosing Congenital Heart Defects with Ultrasound Technology
Congenital heart defects are difficult to detect. GE Healthcare has created revolutionary technology for assessing and monitoring the fetal heart.